Let your emotions flow, embody your authenticity

Emotional Alchemy 2024

Transmute doubt into trust, fear in courage, and sadness into love.

In this 10-week program, I guide you through somatic and nature-based techniques to to help you:

Release doubt & limiting beliefs

Navigate your emotions with confidence

Embody your authenticity

Imagine this:

You honor the wisdom of your emotions and body, trusting your sensitivity as a gift instead of something to hide.

You express your authenticity in the world with confidence and courage, no longer dimming your light to make others comfortable.

You feel held by nature and a community that sees and celebrates your magic.

"The container was like a warm hug and soothing cup of tea on a cold winter day. Natalie creates a beautiful space to be heard, to process, to support others, to learn, and to grow. My goal for this container was to heal, and thanks to Natalie, I am well on my way down that path, and I'm excited to keep moving forward."

— Kara F.

"Life feels more exciting now that I have this awareness and connection to my body. I have faith in myself that I can get through anything. The good feels better and the bad feels lighter."

— Nicholette H.

"There were moments of personal heaviness I felt based on what I was working through from my past. Natalie noticed those moments with you & handles them with tenderness & care. She’s very skilled at supporting you through it. "

— Alyson K.

"Natalie as your leader encourages you to lean into the icky feelings and find the root, but won't press you to share unless you're ready."

— Jamie R.

For mystics, the path towards emotional healing is deeply spiritual.

I understand how lonely and frustrating that path can feel. I get what it’s like to wear your mysticism on your sleeve and have other people not understand that. Other people’s opinions can feel like a little gremlin saying you are somehow wrong.

Honestly, so much of the doubt and limiting beliefs you have swirling around in your system don’t even belong to you. They are messages from other people you have internalized, but your mind-body-spirit doesn’t know the difference. So when you start to separate that out, profound healing begins, and your authenticity starts to shine.

Emotional Alchemy is for you if:

  1. You are ready to embody your authenticity, you know you need to let your body into the conversation, but you are unsure where to start.

  2. You have magic you want to share with this world and you are ready to release the doubt and limiting beliefs that are standing in your way. You are done with second guessing your emotions and you are ready to walk through them with confidence.

  3. You feel a deep connection to nature, but aren’t sure how to incorporate that connection into your healing. You are ready to embrace nature and the elements as the powerful teachers they are, in a way that feels unique to you.

You will walk away with a somatic and nature-based toolkit to release the doubt & limiting beliefs, navigate your emotions with confidence, and embody your authenticity.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Click the “Apply today” button.

  2. Fill out the quick application form

  3. Select how you would like to connect to get your questions answered.

  4. From there, we will talk and make sure EA is the perfect fit for you!

  5. If you decide at any point in the application process that EA is not a good fit for you, there is absolutely no pressure to join.

I trust your intuition and timing.

Your authenticity is the magic this world needs right now. Heal yourself, share your magic, heal the world.

What’s inside?

  • 8 - 90 minute group coaching sessions

  • Lifetime access to the recordings

  • 3 bonus classes on: herbalism, EFT tapping, essential oils

  • Guided somatic & embodiment exercises

  • Elemental healing (earth, air, water, fire, spirit) 

  • Weekly journal prompts & rituals

  • Nourishment box complete with: crystal, custom herbal tea blend, oracle deck, and custom essential oil roller

  • Private online community to connect between sessions

  • Private somatic coaching sessions with Natalie (additional cost)

Emotional Alchemy Program layout

Week 1: opening circle

  • 1 hour group call for opening circle

  • Open up the container together with intentions

  • Get into the online community

Week 2: relationship to your body & the element of earth

  • 90 minute group coaching with Natalie

Week 3: relationship to your mind + the element of air

  • 90 minute group coaching with Natalie

Week 4: self-nourishment & reparenting

  • 90 minute group coaching with Natalie

  • herbalism + earth medicine class with Hanna Denison (1 hour).

Week 5: integration week/no session

  • get support in the online community

  • watch replays of missed sessions, journal prompts, etc.

Week 6: rewriting the narrative + the element of fire

  • 90 minute group coaching with Natalie

Week 7: moving energy + the element of water

  • 90 minute group coaching with Natalie

  • EFT Tapping class with Emily Weinberg (1 hour)

Week 8: your spirit + the element of spirit

  • 90 minute group coaching with Natalie

Week 9: slow down + integrate

  • 90 minute group coaching with Natalie

  • essential oils for emotional support class (1 hour)

Week 10: embodied celebration + closing circle

  • 90 minute group coaching with Natalie

90 minute group coaching session general flows like this:

somatic grounding, check in, 15-20 minutes of education on the topic of the week, guided somatic exercise (changes each week), journaling, and closes with processing the content and somatic exercise.


Emotional Alchemy


Emotional Alchemy + 2 private sessions


1 partial scholarship space available for $1111

"I stopped second-guessing my approach to life and was able to establish a physical calm and rest that I hadn't before. I enhanced the way I viewed my nervous system and how to activate and relax when needed. My resting heart rate even dropped while I was in the program."

— Jamie R.

“My self-awareness and newly 'remembered' connection to my body has been the most powerful and impactful experience. I have learned so many new perspectives and tools to navigate the labyrinth of life."

— Michelle L.

"Thanks to Natalie, I was able to learn, practice, and implement somatic exercises and tools into my daily life. I now have my own somatic "toolkit" full of supportive, nourishing options that I can turn to depending on how I am feeling and how I want to take care of myself in that moment."

— Kara F.

"I know exactly how to get curious to benefit myself, I am a better listener to what my mind, body, and soul need, and I have seen the magic when I choose to use the tools we explored.”

— Melynda V.

"So much of this was new to me. I didn’t understand how to identify when my body was dysregulated. I think that’s been the biggest benefit - understanding what it means & feels to be dysregulated, how to gain self-awareness to identify it & a variety of practices to help myself through it."

— Alyson K.

"It's made life so much more beautiful. I feel more grounded in who I am, and EA has really opened me up to loving and accepting the parts of me that I didn't really like."

— Nicholette H.

Why I created this signature group program

As a queer little witch who grew up in a conservative area, I know what it’s like to feel wrong for just being yourself. I know what it's like to feel ashamed of being sensitive and having such big feelings.

I created Emotional Alchemy to help you transmute that doubt into trust, fear into courage, and sadness into love. So that you can feel confident in your own skin and deeply connected to nature as the teacher it is.

If your intuition and body is having a response to this, I am inviting you to trust yourself.

This is the first step of Emotional Alchemy.


  • The 90 minute coaching sessions will be at 3:00pm PST on Thursdays, and the bonus classes will be at 3:00pm PST on Monday. You will have immediate access to the replays of all sessions and calls, and be able to keep them for life. So any calls you can’t make live you can watch the replay of.

  • Yes! All payment plans for Emotional Alchemy are completely customizable. Meaning you can choose the frequency, dates of payment, and amount of payments. The only requirement is that all payments are made by the end of the container. There is also 1 partial scholarship space available for each round, which lowers the cost significantly. It is on a first come, first serve basis, so reach out ASAP if you want to explore that option.

  • In our 90 minute group coaching sessions we will do somatic grounding, breathwork, embodiment sessions, sound healing, guided visualizations, somatic release techniques, and more. Each session will have a slightly different somatic exercise. For the classes, we will cover herbalism, EFT tapping, and essential oils for emotional support.

  • This is a box of magical goodies I sent to you the first week of the program! It is complete with a custom herbal tea blend made by Brushfire Herbals (Hanna the creator will teach you all about each herb in the tea in her herbalism class), 1 pocket oracle deck, 1 crystal, and a custom essential oil roller (we will cover all the oils and their benefits in our essential oils class).

I can't wait to connect to your magic!

Join Emotional Alchemy & Master your emotions + embody your authenticity.

“Just take the plunge. I believe if you ran into Natalie on whatever platform, it was divine timing. You have been searching and wishing for a magical way to catapult your healing, here she is!!!”

— Michelle L.

"Natalie creates a warm, calm, safe haven to be fully vulnerable and dive deep into whatever is coming up for you, and she provides super helpful somatic tools and exercises."

— Kara F.

“To go for it and to be open in knowing that even though it's a group offering, it is so individual because what each person takes away from it, is their own and those AHA moments are theirs and no one else's.”

— Melynda V.

"So important to join as it can make such a big different to understand your body's needs and where stress activates you. You'll find a new relationship with your thoughts and beliefs and feel supported by nature."

— Jamie R.

"This program was especially impactful for me as I navigated several big life transitions in the past few years, including divorce, starting my own business, and a cross-country move. I would highly recommend Natalie and this program!"

— Kara F.

"The safe space Natalie creates in Emotional Alchemy allowed me to connect with my body, my intuition, and nature in a way that has opened me up to a whole new experience of life. Because of this program and the tools I now have—I have faith that I can get through anything life throws at me. I can't recommend EA enough!"

— Nicholette H.