Create a potent partnership with your body & spirit

Somatic Spirit Coaching

It all begins with your relationship to yourself.

Somatic Spirit Coaching opens a container for you to bring your spiritual, authentic self to the for front of your life. A deeping into emboding your intuition and authenticity. All while having exclusive access to me, in your corner, supporting you as you navigate your journey.

rituals to release limiting beliefs

face your shadows without fear

find clarity in how you connect with your body & spirit

gain confidence in your authentic expression

build trust in your intuition

In order to achieve these goals, you have to stop allowing your thoughts to run the show all the time.

Your body and the sensations you experience there are a gateway to you to connect with your most intuitive, witchy, mystical self.


  • 4 somatic spirit sessions

  • Mind, Body, Spirit meditation bundle

  • Session recordings (optional)

  • M-F Voxer support

Investment: $1,111


  • 8 somatic spirit sessions

  • Mind, body, spirit meditation bundle

  • Session recordings (optional)

  • M-F Voxer support

Investment: $2,222


  • 16 somatic spirit sessions

  • Mind, body, spirit meditation bundle

  • Session recordings (optional)

  • M-F voxer support

Investment: $4,444

*Custom payment plans are available

We will work in private, 1-1 somatic spiritual coaching sessions, at a cadence that feels right for you. That could be weekly, bi-weekly, or 1x a month. This container is completely adaptable to meet you exactly where you are at. I am here to guide you towards feeling so comfortable in your own skin, that your authenticity starts to shine, and your intuition becomes the loudest voice you can hear.

“Natalie’s personal experience and education made me feel safe to start this work, knowing that it wouldn’t be all rainbows and butterflies. I feel tapped back into the beauty of being human. It’s been such a gift to be able to resource my own love, devotion, and safety.”

— Madison S.

“I am noticing that what I hold in my body more frequently due to checking in with myself throughout the day and feel more comfortable slowing down to tend to myself. I’m softer and kinder with myself.”

 - R.D.

“I was looking for support that could help me piece together the tools that I had acquired throughout my life and that is exactly what I found with Natalie. She guided me to find where those tools and support lie within myself, what it looked like for me, and what it could look like in my daily life. I learned to connect to myself.”

— Melynda V.

“The benefits I have experienced in working with Natalie are that patience comes more naturally. Accountability feels empowering not overwhelming. Finding time for myself feels more of a necessity rather than feeling guilt for choosing myself.”

Jessica H.

My clients come to me because they are ready to have an honest conversation with their body, after feeling like living in their head isn’t working for them.

They know their sensitivity is their superpower - and they are ready to fully embody their spiritual self.

It’s time to to release the doubt that is harbored in your mind, and find the freedom in your body & spirit. It’s time build sustainable self-trust through following your intuition. It’s time to create a unique connection to your spirituality that feels authentic to you.

Deep spiritual healing is the bi-product of this work, which allows you to find the place of listening to your intuitive downloads and following them freely.

Sipping your morning warm beverage and feeling that deep connection to your higher self and higher power.

And when the inevitable hardship comes, you’ve got that deep trust in yourself and the your higher power to get you through with integrity and authenticity.

“Give yourself this gift! You’ve likely been the person who others have leaned on and sought comfort from. Give yourself an opportunity to feel held, seen, and supported by Natalie. She will facilitate a magical experience that ultimately will leave you feeling nourished, safe, embodied and capable of meeting your own needs.”

— R.D.

“Natalie was the gentle guide who helped me open the door to an honest conversation with my body. Quickly, it became clear how much time I spend tending to the chaos of my mind while my body harvested the peace I so desperately craved.

To be around Natalie is to feel held. She leads with integrity and helps her clients do the same.”

— Madison S.

“I was looking for support that could help me piece together the tools that I had acquired throughout my life and that is exactly what I found with Natalie. She guided me to find where those tools and support lie within myself, what it looked like for me, and what it could look like in my daily life. I learned to connect to myself.”

— Melynda V.

“Natalie is magical. Conditioning is tricky to recognize but once you make that connection, everything changes and it’s easier to feel your authenticity. By working with Natalie, her guidance loudened those feelings which led me to know my truth and gave me the confidence to trust those truths.”

— Jessica H.

How it works

First, you should know I believe in self-leadership first. If you have made it this far, I imagine you are feeling called to this offering. I want to invite you to listen to your intuition.

Click the link below to apply today! The form will take you about 3 minutes to fill out. Once I review it, I will contact you to find the best way for us to connect and answer all your questions. We will take the steps we need to make sure we are a magical fit to work together.

I can’t wait to connect with you!