Listen to your body, connect with your spirit

Somatic Spirit Sessions

There is so much chaos in the world today that makes it hard to slow down, communicate with your body, and connect to your spirit. These single sessions are designed to help you do just that.

When you take time to align with your body and spirit, you will find yourself feeling more calm, more confident in the decisions you’re making, and more clear on where you need to go next in your healing journey. 

I will use a unique blend of intention setting, tarot reading, powerful somatic exercises, and elemental healing to curate a potent session just for you. 

A Somatic Spirit Session is for you if:

You’re having a hard time telling the difference between your intuition
and anxiety or fear

You’re an empath who needs to clear energy that isn’t yours but feels stuck to you

You’re an overstimulated mystical mama who needs a space to
reconnect with your body

You’re facing a particular challenge and want space to tap into
your inner guidance system

You’d like to find clarity on something you feel confused about

You want more somatic or spiritual rituals to implement into your self-care routine

You’re curious about working with me and aren’t ready to commit to a package

80 Minute Session:


intention setting + somatic attunement + tarot reading + custom somatic exercise + processing

50 Minute Session:


intention setting + somatic attunement + tarot reading + custom somatic exercise + processing

Take some time to slow down and reconnect with yourself by booking your session today! 

This booking is for online sessions via Zoom, however I do have limited availability for in-person sessions! Please inquire directly (link to contact page) for in person availability.