Spiritual healing starts with the wisdom

of your body and nature

Book your Somatic Spirit session today!

Book your Somatic Spirit session today!


 is the nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul. (Oxford English Dictionary)

This spiritual part of yourself is the root system that gives you strength to navigate any terrain - any situation life throws at you.

Roots that know what nutrients to take in and which to leave behind.

Roots that hold strong in boundaries that protect your energy and propel your growth. 

How you grow and nurture these spiritual roots is completely unique to you, and it's what will give you the energetic force to:

Feel confident in your own skin

Release whats no longer serving you

Trust yourself and your intuition

Embrace your authenticity

Somatic Spiritual Coaching

Somatic Spiritual Coaching opens a container for you to bring your spiritual, authentic self to the for front of your life. A deeping into emboding your intuition and authenticity. While having exclusive access to me, in your corner, supporting you as you navigate your journey.

3 spaces currently open, apply today!

Somatic Spirit Sessions

 There is so much chaos in the world today that makes it hard to slow down, communicate with your body, and connect with your spirit. These single sessions are designed to help you do just that.

A unique blend of somatic exercises, elemental healing, & tarot card reading.

50 minute & 80 minute sessions available!

Emotional Alchemy

This 10-week group experience is about moving past limitations of anxiety and embodying your unique magic. Learn how to bring balance to the deep inner work with potent self-care rituals. A mystical group transformation rooted in somatic healing, nourishment, and authentic expression.

This offer is on rolling enrollment. Apply today!

With deep trust in yourself, your body, relationships, and nature become powerful teachers that you will learn from for the rest of your life.

While the spiritual healing path can feel complicated, it’s actually quite simple.

Through somatic spiritual guidance, we identify the areas of your life that are sparking anxiety or triggers, and use that information to discover the parts of you that need to be nurtured and healed. 

With a very unique blend of somatics and nature connection, I help you discover rituals and practices that help you heal and connect to spirit and/or your higher self.

The truth is, embodying your spiritual self in a predominantly christian society can feel very vulnerable and scary.

The opinions and beliefs of those spaces can leave you feeling bad, weird, or even evil for shifting to a more universal, nature-based, and magical approach to spirituality.

As a queer little witch who grew up in a conservative area, I completely understand that feeling.

Well, you are not bad, weird, or evil. You are a spiritual being who is struggling to make sense out of your human experience. 

Spirituality is your own, and you get to make whatever meaning out of it you’d like.

So here at Whole Witch Wellness, I help you navigate the spiritual healing that will help you shut out those voices for good. So you can embody your truest, most spiritual self.

I have been on my own deep spiritual journey for over a decade

Working with various spiritual teachers and shamans, I have my masters degree in clinical psychology, I have been holding space for healing for 8 years through therapy, and practicing somatic healing for 5 years. 

I am committed to expanding my path as a spiritual student, by stepping into the role of your spiritual guide.

What makes my work unique is that my woo woo is grounded in a lot of evidence based modalities. I use a unique blend of nature connection, elemental healing, somatics, embodiment, breathwork, and more to create a sacred container for your spiritual growth.

Your spiritual self contains so much of the magic you have to share with this world, and this world will always need more magic. 

Life is simply too short for you not to embody your truest, spiritual self.

“Natalie radiates safety and compassion. It was hard for me to be honest with myself in realizing I didn’t really have a relationship with my body. And yet, owning up to that truth with Natalie felt easy.

She leads with integrity and helps her clients do the same. She invites with such a loving ease, your body will be back for more.”

— Madison S.

“Natalie sees past the labels, judgment, and stigma placed on someone and helps that person to see who they really are - their true, authentic self.”

— Crystal G.

Embody your spirituality, heal yourself, heal the world.

Contact me today to discover which offering is best for you!